Senator Bam Aquino Is A Ninja Turtle Says His Defaced Wikipedia Page

Here's why you should digest the information you read on Wikipedia with a grain of salt. The Wikipedia page for senator Bam Aquino was recently edited by pranksters. The first sentence on the page used to be "..Aquino is a Filipino senator." Somebody (or some people) has edited it and turned it into "...Aquino is a Filipino Ninja Turtle who loves cocks and birds."

The page is now back to normal. For those who aren't familiar with the way content is inputted into Wikipedia, basically anyone can edit any of the entries there. So the defacing of entries on the site is quite common. As you read this, there's probably somebody trying to edit Chuck Norris' page and inputting information about some time in 1974 when Mr. Norris beat Jesus Christ in a battle of thumb wrestling.

Anyway, for those who haven't seen it, here's a screen grab of Mr. Aquino's defaced Wikipedia page. As we mentioned earlier, the page has been restored to normal. Mr. Aquino has returned to being a senator. His Ninja Turtle days are over.

Photo sources: Wikipedia, HiConsumption