Lampitok is a series of animated movies featuring an Igorot character named Lampitok. Most of the conversations in the movies are spoken in the Kankana-ey dialect with sprinklings of Ilocano, Ibaloi, Tagalog and English. Most of the animated series can be watched on YouTube although you can purchase copies of them in DVD form from various stores in Baguio City and La Trinidad.
The Lampitok Igorot Kankana-ey cartoon series were animated by an artist who goes by the name Boyong and produced by Nardo Dongpoen. Voice-overs were done by Boyong, Christine, Andrew P., Julius T., Edwin O., Jess S., and Amor B.. Editing was also done by Boyong. If anybody has a copy of the Lampitok 3 Igorot movie, please inform us on the comments section below so we can add it here. Thanks.
You can't understand the animated series if you don't understand the Kankana-ey, Tagalog, and Ibaloi dialects. The fact that the series don't come with subtitles aren't helping either. The series follows the adventures and antics of a G-string-wearing character named Lampitok. Feedback for the cartoons are mostly positive but there are some people pointing out that the cartoons are only strengthening the stereotypes against the native Igorots of the Cordillera region.
You can't understand the animated series if you don't understand the Kankana-ey, Tagalog, and Ibaloi dialects. The fact that the series don't come with subtitles aren't helping either. The series follows the adventures and antics of a G-string-wearing character named Lampitok. Feedback for the cartoons are mostly positive but there are some people pointing out that the cartoons are only strengthening the stereotypes against the native Igorots of the Cordillera region.