I've come across Humanatic being mentioned quite a lot of times in some of the forums that I frequently visit. Although most of the chatter around the site and its services are positive, I held off signing up with the company because it struck me as very similar to Amazon's Mturk services. Anyway, since I haven't been too busy the last couple of days, I decided to check out the site and find out what I can get out of it. In this article, I am going to chronicle my experience with the company.
First things first. You can only become a part of the Humanatic team if you have a valid and verified PayPal account. If you click on the Register or Join tab, you will be directed to a page that will ask you to login using your verified PayPal account. Obviously, if you don't have a valid and verified PayPal email address, then you can't proceed. Fortunately, getting a PayPal account and having it verified is super-easy. If you don't have one already, then go get one. Now.
Once you logged in using your PayPal address, you will be sent to the sign-up page. In it, you will be asked to input your name (your real name, no aliases) as well as select the country and city where you live. You will also be asked if you speak Spanish. I'm assuming that a lot of the jobs inside Humanatic need Spanish speakers that's why this question was asked. I don't speak Spanish so I clicked on the "No" option. You will also be asked to write something about your current and recent employment history. A short overview paragraph will do.
I completed all these and clicked "Submit". My application has been sent and all I have to do is wait for a follow-up email from the company. That's all for today. I will write more about the company and the jobs it offers after I get in and experience the jobs myself. Updates are below. I have them numbered so that it will be a lot easier to follow my progress.
1) I received a confirmation within 24 hours that I am now a member of the Humanatic team. I immediately went to my dashboard to see if there's any work available. I was met by a notification that I need to watch a welcome video and get paid $1 for it. I watched the video and after confirming that I've seen it in its entirety, my account received the $1. Pretty sweet. Easiest buck I ever made.
2) Most of the time, there are no phone calls to work on. After several refreshes, I finally was able to do two outbound calls. Each job took me just a few seconds. After finishing the two jobs, I checked my account and saw that it increased by .07 cents. Doing the math, that's .035 cents per job. I'm disappointed obviously. However, the two jobs I did are among the lowest-paying jobs in the site. There are several higher-paying jobs that I am yet to unlock because I'm still new on the site. I don't how long I'll have to do the lower-paying jobs before I get the chance to crack the higher-paying ones.
3) Humanatic has a leaderboard wherein the day's biggest earners are shown as well as their earnings. For instance, as of today, at the top of the leaderboard is a user named Eugenio Candelaria who so far earned $8.76 for the day. That shows that you truly can make a little bit of extra money from the site if you are persistent.