As a form of farewell, Fox's Animation Domination High-Def paid tribute to Studio Ghibli with a two-minute animated video featuring characters from Studio Ghibli films. Ghibli has announced on August 3, 2014 that it was temporarily halting its productions. This came after the retirement of Hayao Miyazaki who directed eight of the twenty animated films that Ghibli has produced.
Ghibli hasn't made a final decision yet if they are closing up for good. Millions of fans of the studio were shocked when Ghibli announced the halting of their operations in early August. Founded in 1985, the studio has produced some of the most well-known and beloved animated films. These include Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and Howle's Moving Castle.
Studio Ghibli was founded in 1985 and it quickly grew into one of the most respected animation studios, not only in Japan but in the whole world as well. Films from the studio in the early 1990s were the highest grossing films in Japan during the same period. Aside from feature films, the studio also engaged in other niches like music videos and commercial advertising. The studio also produced a couple of video games - Magic Pengel and Ni no Kuni.
Studio Ghibli was founded in 1985 and it quickly grew into one of the most respected animation studios, not only in Japan but in the whole world as well. Films from the studio in the early 1990s were the highest grossing films in Japan during the same period. Aside from feature films, the studio also engaged in other niches like music videos and commercial advertising. The studio also produced a couple of video games - Magic Pengel and Ni no Kuni.