The Brilliant Career of Winnie-the-Pooh: the Story of A.A. Milne and His Writings for Children by Ann Thwaite (1992) - This is a biography every A.A. Milne and Winnie-the-Pooh fan should have. Ann Thwaite has already written a biography of A.A. Milne in 1990. So this book is some sort of a supplementary book for said biography. However, this book is more focused on Winnie-the-Pooh, Milne's most famous creation. This book is filled with hundreds of photographs and illustrations, some of which are in color. This alone makes the book priceless. Many of these photographs and illustrations were first released to the public through this book. This biography also has newspaper clippings, letters, cartoons, and excerpts from Milne's other lesser-known writings for children.
A.A. Milne: His Life by Ann Thwaite (1990) - Thwaite did her homework in researching and writing this biography. Because the book is exhaustive. I say that in a very positive way. I mean Thwaite went the extra mile to produce a book that gives you almost everything you need to know about A.A. Milne. If you are good to read a biography of Milne, this is the one you should get your hands on. After reading this work, you can consider yourself an expert on all things Milne. It's a rather thick book so it's recommended that you take your time reading it. It's a sophisticated biography of a sophisticated public figure written by a sophisticated biographer. This book still stands as the gold standard in Milne biographies.