Land of rocky mountains that mightily stand
With towering summits imposing and grand
Where clear rippling creeks and cascading waterfalls
Rushing to the farmlands and green fields below
Hail Kibungan with lovely massive ranges
Where risky trails traverse the rugged ridges
And rolling fogs carry the mountain dew
That gives the lifeblood of all the greens that grow
Mountain home my birthplace so loved and so dear
The land our forefathers upheld without fear
With patience they labored, with endurance they dared
That today their children can say they have cared
Hail Kibungan, dear land of love and promise
Of peace and hope this song rings out the message
Let everyone protect her dignity
That all may prosper and live in unity
About the Town of Kibungan
Kibungan is one of the 13 towns comprising the province of Benguet. It's an agricultural town where majority of the population subsist and earn a living as farmers. The town is a well-known hiking destination because it's home to high-altitude mountains and beautiful trails. Kibungan is composed of 7 barangays. These are Badeo, Lubo, Madaymen, Palina, Poblacion, Sagpat, and Tacadang.